• Developed by Mutante: Manuel Orellana, Carlos Acosta, Juan Diego Rivera, Margarita González, Daniel Osorio, Ana Isabel Castrillón, Natalia Rivera y Jung Hsu ( from Berlin)

    Photos by: Juan Diego Rivera

    February 2022 – Cuadrilla Espacio – Bogotá

  • Bi0film.net was originated in the second part of the WS20/21 New Media Class project which explored the concept of Convergence , regarding the realities, discrepances, contrasts, urgencies and needs that 2020 has revealed, using the article „Covid-19 in 2020. The year when everything changed. Why the pandemic will be remembered as a turning-point“ by The Economist (Dec. 2020) as a reference. 



    February 2021


    February 2021

    Independent and distributed communication networks are at the core of self-organized communities. Based on the idea of biological peer-to-peer networks, which explore how microorganisms like bacteria communicate and collectively act, we have built a human biofilm-like connectivity enhancer. 

    Bi0film.net is an umbrella antenna. It hacks an everyday use umbrella, turning it into a parabolic WIFI antenna, to extend the signal range for a mobile phone to join a network. Besides covering, hiding, and protecting the user, Bi0film.net helps them communicate. Depending on the adaptation, the umbrella can act as an antenna for a repeater or as a complementary part of a cantenna.

    Umbrellas became a symbol of resistance during Hong Kong protests, where the ideas of self-organization, distributed networks, and collaboration strengthened themselves with the “Be Water” narrative. This is an open-source project based on a call-to-action website, where those interested in joining the bacteria resistance can find the DIY instructions to build it. 

    Bi0film.net – Taipei – Photo: Jung Hsu – Model: Brian Chang
    Bi0film.net – Taipei – Photo: Jung Hsu – Model: Brian Chang
    Bi0film.net – Taipei – Photo: Jung Hsu


    The main reference and resource for the prototype of the umbrella is the tutorial “The Wifi Umbrella Ultra long range Wifi” by Andrew McNeil.

    Among other references, the concept was based on: 

    The poster: Biological Peer-to-Peer networks: from bacterial communication to the development of synthetic distributed systems. by Diego Gonzalez-Rodriguez and Jose Rodolfo Hernandez-Carion

    The talk: Patrones de autoorganización a diferentes escalas (Self-organization patterns at different scales) by Carlos Acosta. At the Mundos Posibles (Possible Worlds) IX Creation – Art and Science Encounter organized by the Suratómica Network. 

    L. Margulis and D. Sagan. Microcosmos. Four Billion Years of Evolution from Our Microbial Ancestors. Tusquets Editors. 1986

    Donna J. Haraway – Simians, Cyborgs, and Women. The Reinvention of Nature. (1990, Routledge) – libgen.lc 

    Carlos Maldonado and Natalie Mezza. Anarchy and complexity. E:CO 2016 18(1): 52-73. 2016 

    Complejidad y Estética (Complexity and Aesthetics) Creation Group proposed by Carlos Maldonado. Suratómica Network. August to October 2020. 

    Thanks to:
    Juan Manuel Anzola – Scientific advice
    Lulu Hsieh – Scientific advice
    Carlos Acosta – Conceptual advice
    Manuel Orellana – Technical advice
    ZKL – Technical advice
    Brian Chang – Model

    New Media Class – WS20/21 – UdK Berlin
    Prof. Jussi Ängeslevä – Luiz Zanotello

    Project connected to the Suratómica Network.